Release Build And Debug="false"

Release Build And Debug="false"

Based on the content of different threads and links, we can say that there are for four possible combinations:

1.  Compilation=Release  Debug="true"
a. Code is optimized and debug symbols are removed
b. Detailed exception information is shown to users, but debugging cannot take place beacuse no debug symbols are loaded.
2.  Compilation=Release  Debug="false" (the ideal production configuration)
a. Code is optimized and debug symbols are removed
b. Detailed exceptions information is not shown to users and thus is more secure.
3.  Compilation=Debug  Debug="true" (the ideal development configuration)
a. Code is not optimized and debug symbols are populated
b.  Detailed exception information is shown to users and debugging is possible
4.  Compilation=Debug  Debug="false"
a. Code is not optimized and debug symbols are populated
b. Detailed exception information is not shown to users and, although available, debugging is utilized.


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