Baseless Merging of different branches of your srouce code

The process of merging items that are not directly branched from each other is called a baseless merge . For example: you might want to merge a change between two release branches (Iteration 1 and Iteration 2), which are siblings of each other, without merging up to the parent branch (Main). You can only perform a baseless merge by using the Tf merge command. In Visual Studio 2010 and prior, you cannot perform a baseless merge from within the Visual Studio IDE. But in Visual Studio 2012, this feature (Baseless merge) is integrated with VS IDE merge wizard. We will see this merge wizard in the last. Just perform following 4 steps and merge your baseless branches. Step 1 – Evaluate Whether a Baseless Merge Is Needed Step 2 – Perform a Baseless Merge Using Tf.exe Step 3 – Resolve Merge Conflicts Step 4 – Check-In the Merged Changes Before performing the merging, get latest code of both branches. Now o pen a Visual Studio command window, and r un the following...