IE11 BUG caused by MS16-009 Security Update package - showModalDialog() does not return a value

After installing MS16-009 Security Update package, my application got crash and window.showModalDialog returns nothing. I have to manually uninstall the patch and everything become normal.

KB3134814 is the reason behind all this issue. After installation, window.showModalDialog return undefined.

If you face same issue, you have to uninstall this patch from the client machine. But wait....!!!

There is a workaround for this issue.

Place the Below code in a script 

function ResetReturnValue(){

 if (window.returnValue == null) {
        var oFrame = $('#FrameLookup'); // IFRAME ID
        if (oFrame.length) {
            var oContentWindow = oFrame[0].contentWindow;
            if (oContentWindow) {
                window.returnValue = oContentWindow.LookupResult;

Call this function onUnLoad of body

<body onunload="ResetReturnValue();">



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