Store Management in React / Angular such as Redux / NgRx
- Store management solves the extraneous props / inputs issue in components hierarchy. If we try to solve those scenarios with event emitters like Angular @Input() / @Output(), we will easily end up with event soup scenarios, where the events chain themselves in unexpected ways, and it becomes hard to reason about the application.
- It solves the problem of component interaction via the Observable pattern
- It provides a client-side cache if needed, to avoid doing repeated Ajax requests
- It provides a place to put temporary UI state, as we fill in a large form or want to store search criteria in a search form when navigating between router views
- It solves the
problem of allowing modification of client side transient data by multiple
- Characteristics of Store management:
Single source of truth (It improves development scalability, maintainability and debugging and
enables you to persist your app’s state in development, for a faster
development cycle)
State is read-only - The only
way to change the state is to emit an action, an object describing what
o State is immutable - Remember to return new state objects, instead of mutating the
previous state. We can also get previous states of an object.
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