The Clickjacking attack and X-Frame-Options


Clickjacking is a type of “web framing” or “UI redressing” attack. What that simply means in practice is that:

1. A user (victim) is shown an innocuous, but enticing web page (think watch online video)
2. Another web page (that generally does something important – think add friends on social network) is layered on top of the first page and set to be transparent
3. When the user thinks they are clicking on the web page they see (video), they are actually clicking on the higher layered (framed) page that is transparent

There are two main ways to prevent clickjacking:
1.    Sending the proper X-Frame-Options HTTP response headers that instruct the browser to not allow framing from other domains
2.    Employing defensive code in the UI to ensure that the current frame is the most top level window

Using X-Frame-Options
X-Frame-Options originally invented by Microsoft for IE8, but supported by a number of browsers, this idea might have more uses than what it was intended for originally. 
There are three possible values for X-Frame-Options:
The page cannot be displayed in a frame, regardless of the site attempting to do so.
The page can only be displayed in a frame on the same origin as the page itself.
The page can only be displayed in a frame on the specified origin.
In other words, if you specify DENY, not only will attempts to load the page in a frame fail when loaded from other sites, attempts to do so will fail when loaded from the same site. On the other hand, if you specify SAMEORIGIN, you can still use the page in a frame as long as the site including it in a frame is the same as the one serving the page.

Configuring IIS

To configure IIS to send the X-Frame-Options header, add this your site's Web.config file:


      <add name="X-Frame-Options" value="SAMEORIGIN" />


 Employing defensive code or Frame Busting
It is possible to block the navigation caused by top.location assignment, in the onbeforeunload event. 
The handler of this event returns a string which becomes a question to the user, asking him whether he wants to leave the page or not. The outer window is located at the evil domain, so of course, the hacker may put any question there, and the user will believe and him stay. It’s always like that. 

if(top != window) {
               top.location = window.location

window.onbeforeunload = function() {
           window.onbeforeunload = null
           return "Maybe you want to leave the page, before you become rich?!?"

<iframe src=""style="height:80px"></iframe>

The most reliable method is to suspend showing the document until the top == window check

  <style> body { display : none;} </style>



  if (self == top) {
    var theBody = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] = "block"
  } else {

    top.location = self.location



 In the example above, we use document.getElementsByTagName('body') instead of document.body, because this way of getting BODY it works in all browsers when the document is not ready.

Clickjacking is easy to implement. As far as there is an action on your site that can be done with a single click - it may be clickjacked. An attacker can ensure that the visitor is logged into your site by social engineering. Or on some sites it is possible to send a message to a user with the “Happy Link”. The user will browse his site mail and click on it, then be clickjacked.. Many variants are possible. It is recommended that you use the X-Frame-Options at pages which are not meant to run into a frame. The older frame busting method is less effective, but useful for older browsers, like IE7.


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