jQuery: $.fn.extend() and $.extend()

jQuery: $.fn.extend() and $.extend() 

There is a significant difference between using $.fn.extend()  and $.extend()

Extend jQuery for DOM Tags.

When you want to create your own method of your DOM Tag, i.e.



To achieve this, you have to define:

$.fn.yourfunctionname = function() {
    var o = $(this[0]) // It's your element

     Check: function(){
          Return this.each(function() {this.checked = true});

We can extend multiple functions in a single “$.fn.extend” block.

     Check: function(){
          Return this.each(function() {this.checked = true});
     UnCheck: function(){
          Return this.each(function() {this.checked = false});

// Use the newly created .check() method

Extend jQuery using your own functions.

In jQuery, you can create your own functions. For example, you want to validate whether one field value is greater than other or not.

var minElement = document.getElementById(“txtMinAmount”);
var maxElement = document.getElementById(“txtMaxAmount”);

if (!$.MinMax(minElement, maxElement)) {
MessageBox(Resources.Warning + "...", "Maximum Amount must be greater than Minimum Amount.", "OK", "Info");
        return false;

MinMax: function(minElement, maxElement) {
        var isValid = true;
        var minValue = Number(minElement);
        var maxValue = Number(maxElement);
        if (minValue > maxValue)
            isValid = false;
        return isValid;



  1. $.extend() is used to extend any object with additional functions but $.fn.extend() is used to extend the $.fn object, which in fact adds several plugin functions in one go instead of assigning each function separately.

    Read: http://www.namasteui.com/difference-between-jquery-extend-and-jquery-fn-extend/

  2. juncpel0hiasa-1981 Robert Ritchie ReiBoot Pro


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